Monday, Monday! What I have been up to recently.
Feeling frazzled and annoyed at nothing in particular, I have decided to write some random thoughts regarding what I am doing at the moment. Yesterday, I submitted a short Sherlock Holmes Pastiche, try saying that on a Saturday night, and resubmitted a parody of a Doctor Who story for a non official charity book range called Professor Howe. The story I have parodied is the late Douglas Adams 'The Pirate planet'. It was particularly enjoyable to write even if I kept deviating from the original brief of parodying the story and started to write my own crazy psychedelic version of the story. I enjoy my writing and wish I could earn a living from it. Those who try to live on writing will appreciate how difficult that is. Therefore, I continue to devote myself to my teaching which can be both rewarding and challenging. So what have I been watching recently? The book of Boba Fett has proven to be an enjoyable exploration of the backstory of a character from ...