
Showing posts from February, 2022

Monday, Monday! What I have been up to recently.

Feeling frazzled and annoyed at nothing in particular, I have decided to write some random thoughts regarding what I am doing at the moment.  Yesterday, I submitted a short Sherlock Holmes Pastiche, try saying that on a Saturday night, and resubmitted a parody of a Doctor Who story for a non official charity book range called Professor Howe.  The story I have parodied is the late Douglas Adams 'The Pirate planet'.  It was particularly enjoyable to write even if I kept deviating from the original brief of parodying the story and started to write my own crazy psychedelic version of the story.  I enjoy my writing and wish I could earn a living from it.  Those who try to live on writing will appreciate how difficult that is.  Therefore, I continue to devote myself to my teaching which can be both rewarding and challenging. So what have I been watching recently? The book of Boba Fett has proven to be an enjoyable exploration of the backstory of a character from the original trilogy

The Worlds of Sherlock Holmes update

Well, that's another Sherlock Holmes pastiche completed and sent off for submission. So far, I have completed, one Sherlock Holmes in the realm of HG Wells short story; one back story of Sir Hugo Baskerville; a story of what Gilchrist, a character in one of the short stories called 'The three students', did next; a story involving Holmes and Carnacki, which made it to the second round but I assume didn't make it to the actual volume, as I submitted it at the end of last August and haven't heard anything since, and my latest, Sherlock Holmes and the case of the poisoned Grocer. So far, five written, four sent off and two published. I will wait and see what will happen with this latest submission. My long term aim of self publishing a volume of short stories called the 'Worlds of Sherlock Holmes' is coming into fruition. I need one more story before I do this.