Top ten Neil Young albums:
Top ten Neil Young albums: I saw on a Facebook fan page a question asking people their top ten Neil Young album. This certainly got me thinking: I have been a fan of Neil Young for about fifteen years. I bought Ragged Glory on Cassette in 1993 and enjoyed it. I didn’t really explore any other albums until I heard ‘Tonight’s the Night’ at my friend, Nick Lomas’s house. I was immediately impressed and bought my own copy on CD. I also bought the sound track ‘Dead Man’ an excellent haunting guitar laden soundtrack. The extracts from the film seemed to suit the music and make for an interesting listen. Fast forward to 2000, my friend Phil Pepperell, became a flat mate of mine. We got talking about Neil Young. He had seen him play a few years earlier and had been blown away by him. From this conversation, we decided to see him play. He played at the NEC that year and we enjoyed the concert. Prior to going to that concert, I bought Zuma; After the Goldrush and Harvest. Around 2004, Phil and I...