Top ten Neil Young albums:
Top ten Neil Young albums:
I saw on a Facebook fan page a question asking people their top ten Neil Young album. This certainly got me thinking: I have been a fan of Neil Young for about fifteen years. I bought Ragged Glory on Cassette in 1993 and enjoyed it. I didn’t really explore any other albums until I heard ‘Tonight’s the Night’ at my friend, Nick Lomas’s house. I was immediately impressed and bought my own copy on CD. I also bought the sound track ‘Dead Man’ an excellent haunting guitar laden soundtrack. The extracts from the film seemed to suit the music and make for an interesting listen.
Fast forward to 2000, my friend Phil Pepperell, became a flat mate of mine. We got talking about Neil Young. He had seen him play a few years earlier and had been blown away by him. From this conversation, we decided to see him play. He played at the NEC that year and we enjoyed the concert. Prior to going to that concert, I bought Zuma; After the Goldrush and Harvest.
Around 2004, Phil and I got back together for a beer and a natter: we started playing some Neil Young tracks. He introduced me to the rather excellent ‘On the Beach’ album. Later on that year at memorabilia, I saw the album on sale and purchased it.
At the beginning of this year, I became a regular buyer at the now defunct Zaavi. I managed to pick up a copy of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Rust never sleeps’ at a good price. Shortly after, I became aware of Neil touring and playing at the Nottingham arena. I bought tickets for Phil and I. Meanwhile, I decided to explore Neil’s back catalogue even further. Needless to say, the concert was brilliant: it was pretty much a greatest hits concert: he played tracks from his whole career! Phil and I enjoyed the concert greatly. He even finished with a rather rousing version of ‘A day in the life’ using all his effects pedals to make his guitar sound like an orchestra!
I soon Purchased ‘Everybody knows this is nowhere’ and his eponymous first album. Whilst, there was plenty to like in his first album, I found that I was blown away by Everybody knows this is nowhere which has rapidly become one of my all time favourite albums and play it on a regular basis.
His music ranges from Rock to Country and he seems to excel in both genres. His guitar work can be grungy for the want of a better term: he can create a wall of sound and yet also construct some of the mellowest and soothing sounds. Harvest, Harvest moon and Prairie Wind are good examples of his country and folk sound whereas Rust Never Sleeps, Sleeps with Angels and Freedom are good examples of his heavier Rock albums.
I know own quite a considerable number of Neil Young albums and find plenty to like on all of them. I will now endeavour to list my top ten favourite Neil Young albums:
1/.Everybody knows this is nowhere.
2/.Tonight’s the night.
3/. On the Beach.
4/. Zuma.
5/.Rust never sleeps.
6/. Freedom.
7/. Sleeps with Angels
8/. Dead Man.
9/.After the Gold rush.
10/. Harvest.
I saw on a Facebook fan page a question asking people their top ten Neil Young album. This certainly got me thinking: I have been a fan of Neil Young for about fifteen years. I bought Ragged Glory on Cassette in 1993 and enjoyed it. I didn’t really explore any other albums until I heard ‘Tonight’s the Night’ at my friend, Nick Lomas’s house. I was immediately impressed and bought my own copy on CD. I also bought the sound track ‘Dead Man’ an excellent haunting guitar laden soundtrack. The extracts from the film seemed to suit the music and make for an interesting listen.
Fast forward to 2000, my friend Phil Pepperell, became a flat mate of mine. We got talking about Neil Young. He had seen him play a few years earlier and had been blown away by him. From this conversation, we decided to see him play. He played at the NEC that year and we enjoyed the concert. Prior to going to that concert, I bought Zuma; After the Goldrush and Harvest.
Around 2004, Phil and I got back together for a beer and a natter: we started playing some Neil Young tracks. He introduced me to the rather excellent ‘On the Beach’ album. Later on that year at memorabilia, I saw the album on sale and purchased it.
At the beginning of this year, I became a regular buyer at the now defunct Zaavi. I managed to pick up a copy of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Rust never sleeps’ at a good price. Shortly after, I became aware of Neil touring and playing at the Nottingham arena. I bought tickets for Phil and I. Meanwhile, I decided to explore Neil’s back catalogue even further. Needless to say, the concert was brilliant: it was pretty much a greatest hits concert: he played tracks from his whole career! Phil and I enjoyed the concert greatly. He even finished with a rather rousing version of ‘A day in the life’ using all his effects pedals to make his guitar sound like an orchestra!
I soon Purchased ‘Everybody knows this is nowhere’ and his eponymous first album. Whilst, there was plenty to like in his first album, I found that I was blown away by Everybody knows this is nowhere which has rapidly become one of my all time favourite albums and play it on a regular basis.
His music ranges from Rock to Country and he seems to excel in both genres. His guitar work can be grungy for the want of a better term: he can create a wall of sound and yet also construct some of the mellowest and soothing sounds. Harvest, Harvest moon and Prairie Wind are good examples of his country and folk sound whereas Rust Never Sleeps, Sleeps with Angels and Freedom are good examples of his heavier Rock albums.
I know own quite a considerable number of Neil Young albums and find plenty to like on all of them. I will now endeavour to list my top ten favourite Neil Young albums:
1/.Everybody knows this is nowhere.
2/.Tonight’s the night.
3/. On the Beach.
4/. Zuma.
5/.Rust never sleeps.
6/. Freedom.
7/. Sleeps with Angels
8/. Dead Man.
9/.After the Gold rush.
10/. Harvest.