
Showing posts from May, 2020


Another entry for the Big Finish competition. Yet another example of me not following the guidelines to the letter. A better effort than the unfinished imprisoned. I believe a result of writing more between the two entries. I'm still not entirely happy with it . A little too similar to broadcast stories doesn't help. Maybe the idea cooking in my head will be better written this year? Time will tell. He was in the Pantry when I first met him: the Doctor. I was eight years old and frightened. They were in the living room: crawling after me.  It all began six months earlier. An intense advertising campaign had hit our television screens and assorted children’s comics. Pester power was used and the country was gripped by ‘Soldier Joe’ fever. We swapped double copies of the soldiers with our friends in the school yard. It became an obsession. Talk show hosts discussed the craze with leading actors as they sat on their sofas. Comedians peppered their stand-up routines...