Work progress Mid May 2020.
Messing around with the Penguin Classic cover generator earlier seemed to be an excuse for an update. Since I've last posted, I have rewritten and completed my 30,000 word submission for the Professor Howe charity Parody range. I submitted a short Horror story I wrote last September to a website. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful. However, they did state that if I wanted to, I could submit another short story. This inspired me to write another Horror short story. I am currently 3,000 words into the 5,000 word submission. My next project is to write a submission to the annual Big Finish short story competition and then I'll return to my Faerie Trilogy for young adults project. I may also complete my proposal for another Professor Howe story.
The images I have included from lowest to highest: Fake cover for Resurgence, the first volume in my Fantasy trilogy for Young adult readers; The circle of life, the second short Horror story I am writing, The Lords of Misrule, the first short Horror story I wrote a while back and Ramble on Rose, a sci-fi script, I wrote back in February 2018.