Learning how to write a short Sherlock Holmes story

My attempts at writing a Sherlock Holmes story. Over the years I have enjoyed reading Sherlock Holmes stories and watching the various adaptations in television drama and Film formats. The publication of the Stephen Fry readings of the Canon renewed my enthusiasm for all things Holmes. The Sherlock Holmes Canon read by Stephen Fry. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Fry's readings and found myself immersed in the world of Holmes for some months as I listened to it in its entirety. From listening to the Canon, I was inspired to write the synopses of two short stories: one takes place during Holmes's time in Dartmoor during the 'Hounds of the Baskervilles' case and the other was a spin off story concerning what happened next to the student Gilchrist after being discovered as the cheat in the 'The adventures of the three Students' story. Recently, I've managed to write a first draft of the 'Annals of Gilchrist' and was about to start collating feedbac...