Erasmus Darwin speaks.
Taken from an idea I have for a book called Lichfield Prime. A 'who dunit' set in a Parallel reality Lichfield.
Erasmus Darwin speaks.
Erasmus Darwin speaks.
I like this version of Lichfield. The Cathedral is a lot smaller reflecting it's diminished status as a bishopric rather than Archbishopric. I believe this is a symptom of the divergence of this reality from Ours. In this reality, Mercia was weakened after the death of Offa and a jealous Archbishop of Canterbury managed to persuade the Pope to issue a Papal Bull demoting Lichfield back to a bishopric. It was a weakened Mercia that was overrun by Vikings relying on Wessex to drive them back. A weakened newly emerged England was conquered by the Normans whose leadership was descended from the Norsemen. A bizarre tale I know, but it does explain why this universes’ English is similar to our own: both realities had their English heavily influenced by the Romance languages, only ours was through a peaceful amalgamation of the French and English crowns whereas theirs was through conquest.
I come here to Meditate. There's something peaceful about this place. I am on a bench facing Minster Pool and the Cathedral. Though small, this Cathedral, the only surviving Medieval Cathedral in this realities England, has a certain understated charm. The three Spires jut out above some trees in front of the buildings on the other side of Cathedral close. The entrance to this realities version of my abode is nearby. I eat a sandwich made up from two halves of a baguette, listen to the bells chime in the quarter of an hour, and for the first time in days, I feel at peace.
The peace was soon interrupted. A middle aged, tall, stocky man, greying curls and thickening in the middle sat next to me. He waited for me to finish.
‘Well?’ I enquired.
‘Another one Guv.’
I gasped partly in shock, partly in frustration.
‘Let's go back, ‘ I said.