Writing projects by Mark. C. Richardson
I started writing in earnest in 2018. Here is an update of the many projects I have been involved with in that time:
Writing projects by Mark. C. Richardson:
1/. Science fiction script: 33 pages 17,289 words. ‘Ramble on Rose’ written in 2018- no feedback from the place where I submitted it. Actions to be taken- change title; change the Grateful Dead to fictional band. Submit to Science fiction podcast/ radio science fiction sites.
2/. Professor Howe and the Planet Pilferers: 12 Chapters 30,491 words. Submission to the charity book range. Provisionally accepted by the range’s editor. Waiting for the other books to be completed. Hopefully, the book will be published in 2023. 3rd draft so far. Another draft will have to be submitted once the other books in the series have been written.
3/. Faerie book series: Planning: Creation myth and brief summaries of the three continents of Faerie written. Short stories aimed at 5 year olds based on the exploits of Sarah’s great grandmother and her visits to Cantre'r Gwaelod- two completed- another three have one paragraph summaries. Brief summaries of events for a trilogy aimed at teenagers written: Volume 1: Resurgence: Chapters 1-8 1st drafts written- 25,564. Chapters 9-10 one paragraph summaries provided. Volume 2: Doggerland: Brief breakdown of Equilibrium, Disruption, recognition of disruption, Attempt to repair disruption and New equilibrium. Volume 3: Worlds in Crisis: Brief breakdown of Equilibrium, Disruption, recognition of disruption, Attempt to repair disruption and New equilibrium. Haven’t written anything since February 2020- potentially a good idea in need of a polish- must return to.
4/. The worlds of Sherlock Holmes. (25,250 words so far) A self published volume of Sherlock Holmes stories- most stories contained in the volume will have been published elsewhere. Volume to include: 1/.Sherlock Holmes and the case of the missing inventor (6490 words-published in Sherlock Holmes further adventures in the realms of HG Wells volume 1 Belanger books); 2/.Sir Hugo and the legend of the Yeth hound ( 3150 words: should be published in a volume called the nefarious villains of Sherlock Holmes by David Marcum); 3/.Sherlock Holmes and the case of the haunted castle (9570 words featuring Thomas Carnacki- invited to submit for the Occult Detectives range- awaiting to see whether it is accepted for publication.) 4/.The annals of Gilchrist 6040 words- not submitted anywhere yet. 5/.Shaman: Sherlock Holmes, while observing the events at Baskerville hall, stumbles on the mind of a Shaman from the Neolithic era trying to solve a murder in their settlement- 1 page synopsis written- needs to be written in whole. Need to plan at least one more short story- possibly in response to calls for submissions- keep an eye out.
5/. Tales of the Supernatural: a planned self published volume of short horror stories written by Mark. C. Richardson. A 12 short story volume of Horror stories, containing the following short stories: ‘The Lords of misrule’ (5133 words) rejected by ‘Unsung stories’ currently submitted to Scare street stories ‘The circle of life.’ (5330 words) rejected by Unsung stories and 96 of October. Currently submitted to Scare street stories. Next step, if rejected, put on Scribophile for feedback and amendments- probably around the Christmas time. One paragraph summaries for a further 10 stories: Malevolence: St Chad visits cursed land in Lichfield; The Exhibit; Ghost spotting; Sacrifice; Charlie the Cavalier; The Black eyed Child; The Man in the armour; Grey Lady and The lanterns leading to Cantre’r Gwaelod. ‘Sacrifice’ to be written next.
6/. Lichfield Prime: A ‘who dunnit’ set in a parallel world where Lichfield is an archbishopric in the land. A one page summary and monologues from several characters have been written so far.
7/. Big Finish Competition submissions: Have managed to submit to three competitions in the past. Have struggled to get the latest idea written. Plan to start writing a short story in January ready for what will hopefully be the next competition in May 2022. ‘The Doctor and I’ (2007) (2473 words); An incomplete attempt after a synopsis written in 2016 called ‘Imprisoned’ (5060 words) featured too many characters not allowed in the competition; I have an idea written for a 12th Doctor story, tentatively titled ‘the bad guys’ - needs to be written up into its 5000 word format by May 2022.