Dead man walking- spoilers inside!

Wow! The best one for me! Burn Gorman seems to really relish the challenge of playing um a dead man! I found the episode gripping. I mean okay I suppose the story itself was slight but that was the point. The episode was all about Owen and the team's reactions to him. We see him go through a whole range of emotions: anger, apathy, despair and finally a contentment, a realisation that this may be all that we have and we should make the most of what we have. I think the message in this episode is very much a reaffirmation of RTD's belief that Doctor Who is a positive series and I really belief deep down after the rather fraught series one, that Torchwood is ultimately beginning to reflect that philosophical view of life.
I like the way the story was structured with Owen's past three days since defeating Death shown in flashback whilst in conversation with a woman contemplating suicide. I also liked the positive spin on life at the end of the episode. I really enjoyed Joe Lidster's Terror Firma Big Finish eighth Doctor story and was therefore pleased that his Torchwood story was good. The only thing I've been disappointed with was the lack of time for Martha- however, these past few episodes have been so important in Owen's character development that it was going to be inevitable that other characters would take a back burner- still hopefully there will be more of her in Series 4 of Doctor Who.


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