Cloverfield- a marmite film for my family.

Personally, I was really impressed by this film and found it impressive. However my step son and daughter hated it and thought it was really lame. I found it gripping particularly when the monster first hit New York. Not the greatest movie ever but a refreshing alteration of some of the codes and conventions of Blockbuster monster movies.
This is what I wrote in a review for flickster movies on my facebook account. My step-son found the whole idea preposterous and complained that it was Blair witch meets Godzilla. At this point I had to point out that was the point of the film. To be fair on him, I think his argument that they should have just got out when the big monster thingy started bashing the army was a logical one. What won the film over for me was the sequences at the beginning of the rampage, I really felt tense and that is something I haven't felt whilst watching a monster movie in years- I genuinely felt unsettled by the visuals which came over like a punch in the gut. I have avoided reading reviews for this film and have genuinely written down a personal response- I suppose I feel a little defensive about my opinions on the light of two of my step- children's reactions to the film. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend that you do.


Moschops said…
I liked this movie. Like you I approached it with an open mind and was rewarded.

I expect the following from a movie like this
1) A monster
2) Destruction of property
3) Key members of the cast killed or maimed
Using this basic criteria Cloverfield was a success.

I would go as far as to say I could stomach a couple more films in this series
Yes I wouldn't object to a couple of more movies following a similar vein.

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